old journals

So I found this write up on my phone yesterday afternoon while I was waiting for my turn at the smart store. I had to have my old phone fixed and they made me wait for hours! 😭 I know, third world problems.

Anyway, I’m putting this out to remind myself how things have gone on from that point forward. And hey, we’re still here, yaaay.

I forgot I had this somewhere, although I do keep a journal in my phone. I wrote this while doing the usual nightly watch at the hospital, it was almost 9pm after work. This was while Papa was having his session, and Mama was arranging the regular paperwork. So what usually happens is when your patient starts the whole thing, you usually get the night schedule when everywhere else was full. And you’ll soon realize what morbid truths lie behind you getting an earlier slot, you know, the cycle of life. *Sigh*

After all these years, I guess you really don’t know what things you’ll get used to eventually. And this was probably one of those nights when I had a lot on my mind, watching people pass me by at the gauntly benches I usually sit at, while reading school work or crocheting. Different people have concerns entirely of their own, you’ll know it when you see them.

So it’s been halfway through my three five, and I’m still the same (I think) but also very different. Haha. I know. So here goes:

I also took the time to record an audio version of it last night (I made time to process everything, by the way, haha). You can listen to it while reading through the whole thing.

And this is me sending my sincerest wishes of love and light.
I hope you stay there, and you find whatever you need to stay strong amid life’s changes.

Stay faithful, my friends. ❀️️✨