Happy Easter

Hola! How are you, my friends? 😊

So I’m up at this unholy hour because I’m still cramming for my PM 245 paper and my sister made me wait for her leche flan to set at 1:00 am. Haha, tough job I have in life.

Anyway, so I was actually sick the past two days as if the universe had intentionally conspired to leave me stuck in bed in some zombie daze for a whole 48 hours. I swear I had the worst migraine-flu-fever combo to ever reckon with.

But yeah, I’m back from the dead like a newly risen phoenix.

And I think that’s just what we all need sometimes — some by hook or by crook peace, and rest, and quiet.

If anything, I’ve realized how awfully old I have become now, what with all those human frailties and shortcomings, as I struggled to get in and out of bed and go to church without passing out. It was crazy. And how it might have been partly psychosomatic too as I’ve been suffering an awful lot of confusions lately.

But yeah, I guess there is always that dawn after the darkest hour, they say, and viola, I’m good as new.

And it’s timely how it’s Easter now too.

I’ve always looked at Easter to be full of hope — that despite a zombie daze, things will be better, and the confusions will wane, and life will eventually fall into place in such a proper time and fashion. (And you’d still be able to submit your paper on an extended deadline, unfazed.😁).


Leche flan’s all good, by the way.

And I do hope you all have a Happy Easter! 😊

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